Please accept my apologies for this critique being late, I contracted a flu-type cold on the plane going home and was ill for several weeks. The quality of type, conformation and movement was exceptionally high in my entry at the SKC; I cannot remember seeing a better overall standard of Deerhounds at a general Championship show anywhere in the world that I have judged. Head type was almost universally excellent. All bites were correctly scissor and no worn down teeth. Eye colour good in all hounds. No flat ears, just a few larger ears, and many teeny, weeny rose ears which are just lovely to see. Last time I judged there were a lot of hounds with real 'ewe' necks weakly connected to the body in front of straight shoulders but this problem had almost vanished in this entry which was most pleasing. Many shoulders were laid-back at nearly 45 degrees giving room for a powerful broad neck muscle attachment to the body, essential for successful grappling with large prey. Loin-arches were correctly located in all the hounds, and well developed in the majority. Tuckups were good in all. Hindquarters were generally well-constructed with femur and tibia/fibula of equal good length giving a well angulated balanced stifle. Some hounds had small-boned hock joints with a short os-calcis; this construction reduces hock strength and flexion, decreasing drive behind. When I first started judging 30 years ago this type of hock joint was almost universal in Deerhounds but is now rare. One area of concern is the number of hounds with shallow ribcages, the sternum an inch or more above the elbow; this is quite normal in a leggy junior/yearling but I found this fault in some mature hounds. Movement was a joy to watch in the majority of hounds. Temperaments in almost every exhibit were a delight. I thank everyone who made the effort to travel to SKC and present their lovely Deerhounds for me to judge, you took my decisions with grace and good humour. It was a real pleasure to meet you all and your hounds.
PD (3) A class of 3 excellent male puppies. 1 Dawson's Stranwith Ratagan at Stubbylee Excellent head and expression, tiny rose ears, good neck well set into well-angulated forequarters. Very good outline top and bottom. Well-angulated strong hindquarters. Front feet a bit east/west at the moment. Moved with lovely big elastic strides, going true to and fro. 2 Swanson's Cotherstone Dallas Dhu of AltimarlachAnother good puppy. More bone but not the topline of 1st place. Rather straight upper-arms, good shoulder lay-back. Good ribcage and tuckup. Very good hindquarters. Lovely feet. Moved very well to and fro but not as long striding as 1st. 3 Barclay's Cotherstone Finlaggan.
JD (2,1) 1 Foote & Crossan's Brylach Prionnsa Rather anxious 14mth who took time to settle. Good overall outline with good bone. Nice upperarms, shoulders a bit straight. Good breadth across hips with nicely angulated hindquarters. Feet flattish. Moved very well. Tail curling but carried below backline.
PGD (8,2) 1 McKinnon's Almondbank Real Deal McNeil for Fingon. RCC. Top quality Scottish Deerhound. Really lovely outline and overall balance. Excellent head and neck, long sloping upperarms and shoulders. Broad well angulated hindquarters. Feet a bit soft. Movement fabulous, huge effortless elastic strides, except when he paced, but I forgave those moments for all his wonderful virtues. 2 Adams' Ardneish Pinochio Somewhat smaller and lighter built dog with a really lovely outline. Very good head and neck, shoulder a bit straight. Excellent loin-arch and hindquarter angulation. Feet better than 1st. Moved very well, free elastic stride and true to and fro. 3. Smith's Hyndsight Timespace at Julam. 4 Harte's Ardneish Poet.
LD (4,2) 1 Finnett & Heathcote's Hyndsight Pilgrim Very nice 20 mths old dog who was a bit tense sometimes, making him straight in the upperarms. Lovely head, neck and shoulders. Good outline, bone and feet. Broad across hips with good hindquarter angulation and good stifle breadth. Very nice large strong hocks. Moved very true with big effortless stride. 2 Sharp's Killoeter Skye Rising 4yr old with big coat and good bone. Lovely head, neck, shoulders and upperarms. Hindlegs lacking angulation with rather thin straight stifles. Moved soundly.
OD (4) 1 Finnett & Heathcote's Ch Hyndsight Desperado CC & BOB. Very beautiful 3 yr old with a noble and commanding appearance. Great head, strong arched neck smoothly inserted over well inclined shoulders with long sloping upperarms. Flowing curvaceous topline with very good loinarch. Deep ribcage and high tuckup. Good front feet but softer long hind feet. Broad wedge-shaped pelvis, beautifully shaped hindquarters with broad well angulated stifles. Hock joints rather small and lacking flexion on the move. Movement true to and fro, with an elastic long striding side-gait. A really wonderful deerhound brimming with quality and type who comfortably gained BOB. 2 Milne & Andrews' Ch Islay's Iarla to Leoch (Imp Deu). Super fit 6yr old. Lovely head, arched neck, well-laid shoulders and upperarms. Great topline and underline with all the curves needed. Well angulated hindquarters. Big, well-defined and firm musculature throughout his body - impressive. Moved with a lovely elastic powerful and true gait. 3 Constantine's Kaleginy the Forester ShCM. 4 Cartmell's Cuisdh Drawing Down the Sun.
VD (2 1) 1 Cartmell's Cusidh Homecoming Rising 9yrs old and in great condition, still has a lovely outline top and bottom, maintaining a good arch in loin. Good head and neck, well made forequarters, and hindquarters. Deep ribcage. Good feet and bone. Moved very well, sound, true and long striding. Seriously considered him for Reserve Dog CC.
PB (2) Two lovely puppies. 1 Constantine's Cotherstone Serenade at Kaleginy Best Puppy. Super 9 mth puppy. Perfect head and expression, tiny rose ears. Lovely neck, very good shoulder layback and long sloping upperarms. Needs to develop more arch in her loins. Excellent hindquarters with strong hocks. Movement true to & fro with amazing long free striding side gait. 2 MacKenzie's Kilbourne Flora Finching Good feminine head and expression. Neck a bit 'ewe' shaped under her coat. Good shoulder layback and upperarms. Needs to deepen in ribcage, good tuckup. Loinarch a bit over-stated at present. Nicely shaped hindquarters. Moved very well in front, parallel behind but only steps underneath herself and doesn't drive out behind.
JB (2) 1 Blogg & Horne's Ardneish Osha 14mths very lovely, shapely dark grey. Excellent head, arched neck, sloping shoulders and upperarms. A little too compact in body for me but excellent outline, hindquarters, and muscles. Good front feet, hind feet flattish. Moved beautifully. 2 Harte's Nixophel Crystal Celestite Another 14 mth old but growing in a very different way to 1st. A tall well-boned bitch who has currently outgrown her curves and is rather gangly. Lovely head, good shoulders and long upperarms. Nice topline. Feet rather east/west. Movement playful but promising.
PGB (8 5) 1 Milne & Andrews' Rathcreevagh Hope(Imp) Silver & cream brindle with a very nice outline and general type after she had relaxed in the ring. Excellent head, eyes and expression. Well sloped shoulders and upperarms. Good feet. Lovely long well-angulated stifles, very good hocks. Moved very well to and fro and sidegait. 2 McCoombe's Chuilinn Lacien Lovely well muscled but rather solid looking dark grey, needs to lose some weight. Head has a slight stop and ears are a bit large. Needs more arch in loin. Broad strong hindquarters but femurs are too short for correct angulation. Very good feet. Moved true and steadily but without the front reach and hind-drive of 1st. 3 Heap's Leoch Juniper of Fintalloch.
LB (7,2) Three very good bitches at the top of this class. 1 Morton & Morgan's Chuillinn Ballad RCC. Dark rangy built bitch with a regal presence. Very good head and expression, arched neck, sloping shoulders and upperarms. Good deep long ribcage, well tucked up with lovely loinarch. Very good hindquarter angulation with good length of femur and broad stifles. Excellent hocks and feet. Very big striding movement, powerful, easy and elastic. I was delighted to discover that she is the mother of my Best Puppy when I was able to look at the catalogue. 2 Finnett & Heathcote's Hyndsight In Your Dreams Another very good bitch with a great curvy outline. Good head and expression. Neck slightly 'ewe' shaped and set a touch in-front of slightly upright shoulders and upperarms. Lovely hindquarters with very good stifle angulation. Moved very well but has less hock drive and extension than 1st. Very close decision between 1st and 2nd. 3 Adams' Ardneish Pearl.4 Lindsay's Celticmoon Shadow Huntress at Silverthyme.
OB (5,1) Quality class with a close contest for the top 3 placings. 1 Finnett & Heathcote's Ch Hyndsight Mandolin Wind. CC. Big rangy 2yr old grey with strong bone and very well developed musculature that gives one every confidence that she could successfully hunt red deer in the Scottish Highlands. Well shaped but plain head. Good arched neck smoothly inserted into well-laid back shoulders and long sloping upperarms. Good topline and underline with plenty of curves. Good breadth of pelvis, long broad well angulated stifles, hocks a bit stiff on the move. Moved truly to and fro, with a lovely easy long-striding sidegait. 2 Morton, Morgan & Constantine's Cotherstone Islay Mist at Kaleginy Curvaceous and lovely 5 yr old who would benefit from more muscle throughout. Very good feminine head with delightful expression. Neck slightly 'ewe' shaped and inserted just in-front of somewhat upright shoulders and upperarms. Feet flattish. Stifle bones a shorter than 1st but nicely angulated hindquarters. She is well-balanced in her front and hind construction and made the most of herself on the move showing nice reach and drive. 3 Gillie's Dorrator Garvey. 4 Cartmell's Brylach Over the Broomstick with Cusidh.
Miss Mary McBryde